
Google Chrome Extensions

A quick post to note down some of the extensions I'm using for Google Chrome. I switched over to Chrome as my browser of choice around a year ago (from Firefox) and I'm still very much enjoying the experience. The extensions I use are probably what make that experience good, so I thought I would give some kudos to them.

AdBlock - Blocks adverts that I don't want to see, brilliant
Add to Amazon Wish List - Allows me to keep track of stuff I'd like to buy
Backspace As Back/Forward for Linux - Does what it says most of the time, but doesn't seem to work 100% of the time - better than nothing.
Better Gmail (unofficial) - Cleans up my gmail inbox a bit
Context Menu Search - This is awesome, it allows me to highlight text and search for it in the websites I usually use. I use it most for Google Maps and internet shopping (Amazon, eBay and Google Products).
Facebook - Lets me keep on top of that all important social networking.
Google Calendar Checker - Counts down the time to my next event and lets me go straight to my calendar with one click.
Google Calendar ebay reminder - I had to hack this one a bit to make it work, but it adds a link to ebay auction pages allowing me to add the auction end as an event in my calendar.
Mail Checker Plus - An icon showing how many unread messages I have and a quick link to my inbox.
Use HTTPS - Keeps my browsing secure
KB SSL Enforcer - More security stuff
Shareaholic - Lets me email a link to the current page, or makes a shortened URL for it.

As you can see from this list, most of them just cut down the number of buttons I need to press to get stuff done - what can I say, I'm lazy!

Anything else that I might find useful?


  1. How did you hack the ebay reminder bit? Thanks, Ravi Shanghavi from Ottawa

  2. Hi Ravi,

    It's been a while since I did this now, and I've not really used it much since (I usually use myibidder to snipe auctions). But I can tell you that it was this version that I used:
    (although that is a newer version than I seem to have in my scripts folder)

    I think it was something to do with date strings and populating the calendar parameters correctly, but the protocols may have changed anyway since I messed with it.

    Hope that helps, best of luck!
